Torture in Mexico
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The UN High Commissioner for Human Rights has stated that torture and abuse following arrest are widespread and occur within context of impunity in Mexico. This means that torture and other cruel, inhumane, or degrading punishments play a central role in policing and public safety operations of the military and police forces within the country. Amnesty International has documented over 50 years of torture and other ill-treatment by state forces in Mexico. In the 1960s, 70s, and 80s, security forces used torture and other serious human rights violations against armed opposition groups and political opponents during its “Dirty War”, which extended from 1964-1982. From 2008-2014, 1,177 complaints of torture were presented against the Mexican army. The Human Rights Commission of Mexico city reported that in over 60 percent of these cases, the purpose of torture was to obtain confessions from detainees.